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The Mystery Revealed in Christ – Eph 3:1

The Mystery Revealed in Christ – Eph 3:1-6 (Sonnenberg)

Mystery. An interesting work with various means. Pastor Dan takes us through the first part of Ephesians chapter 3 to explain how we are to understand “mystery” in a Biblical sense. We are privileged to have what was unknown, or what was poorly understood for centuries: the mystery that brings Jews and Gentiles to a […]

God is Building a House in Christ – Eph

God is Building a House in Christ – Eph 2:19-22 (Sonnenberg)

When a word appears 4-6 times in a short passage of Scripture, its likely that the passage might have something to do with the word.  This week, the word “house”, “build”, “building” appear a number of times.  Pastor Dan’s sermon helps us understand the importance of God building his house. To listen to the podcast, […]

Christ Our Peace – Eph 2:14-18 (Sonnenbe

Christ Our Peace – Eph 2:14-18 (Sonnenberg)

It truly is the rare individual who doesn’t seek for peace – however he might describe it.  One historical source of animosity was between Jews and gentiles [ the rest of us…].  But the Apostle Paul addresses this conflict: Christ abolished the “Jewish Law” of the Old Testament, thus clearing the way for peace between […]

Remember Who You Were – Eph 2:11-13 (Son

Remember Who You Were – Eph 2:11-13 (Sonnenberg)

Christians are often told to “remember” this or the other thing. And this week in Pastor Dan’s series Paul reminds the Ephesian believers to consider all those things they did not naturally have, but now, as a result of Christ’s work, we do have. To listen to the podcast, scroll to the bottom of this […]

If Your Brother Offends You – Matt 18:15

If Your Brother Offends You – Matt 18:15-17 (Sonnenberg)

Completing a second in the series, Pastor Dan outlined ways how Matthew 18 might be put to practical use in our lives as we are offended by others, or as we might be the source of offending someone else. Its worth your listening online! Matthew 18:15-17 (ESV) “If your brother sins against you, go and […]

If You Offend Your Brother – Matt 5:21-2

If You Offend Your Brother – Matt 5:21-24 (Sonnenberg)

It shouldn’t come as any surprise that Christians have interpersonal conflicts with each – Christians are human and prone to sin. The Bible teaches how we might resolve conflicts. And being forewarned and prepared before conflicts arise is a great strategy. This is Pastor Dan’s goal with the first of a two part series. Introduction: […]

Exalted in Christ – Eph 2:1-6 (Sonnenber

Exalted in Christ – Eph 2:1-6 (Sonnenberg)

What benefits accrue to God’s people as a result of Christ’s resurrection, ascension and enthronement? Plenty!  Listen to Pastor Dan’s sermon if you were not able to be with us on Sunday. To listen to the podcast, scroll to the bottom of this page. Ephesians 2:1-6 (ESV) And you were dead in the trespasses and […]