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The Dawning of Jesus’ Ministry- Matt 4:1

The Dawning of Jesus’ Ministry- Matt 4:12-23 (Sonnenberg)

John gets arrested and Jesus hightails it to Galilee. Well, it could seem that way. But Pastor Dan explained that Jesus had a very deliberate strategy for moving is “base of operations”.  And not only that, but the move coincided with Jesus publicly proclaiming his message.  He also utilized a ‘method’ during this phase of […]

Bearing Witness to Christ- John 1:29-42 1

Bearing Witness to Christ- John 1:29-42 (Sonnenberg)

Epiphany. This week Pastor Dan turns attention to the revelation of Jesus by John the baptizer.  John is preaching repentance, but when he meets Jesus and the witness of the Father and Holy Spirit reveal who Jesus truly is, it is at that point that John can now bear witness to others who Jesus is […]

The Baptism of Jesus- Matt 3:13-17 (Sonn1

The Baptism of Jesus- Matt 3:13-17 (Sonnenberg)

This Sunday Pastor Dan turned our thoughts to Epiphany – the revelation of the divine Jesus to the gentiles.  His focus was on the baptism of Jesus and how this revealed Jesus as God’s beloved son. It was also the commencement of Jesus’ earthly ministry. And yet, Jesus baptism also affords us valuable benefits, which […]

The Work of God in the Birth of Christ- 1

The Work of God in the Birth of Christ- Matt 1:18-25 (Sonnenberg)

Who made it possible for Jesus to be born and live the life he lived? God? Mary? Joseph?  Its a bit of a paradox but God certainly had the ‘lead role’ in bringing it about. But God also intended for man to play a part. Mary responded to God’s call. Joseph willingly assumed a socially […]

Dealing With Doubt- Matt 11:2-11 (Sonnen1

Dealing With Doubt- Matt 11:2-11 (Sonnenberg)

Do you have doubts relative to your faith? To your Savior? Pastor Dan’s sermon today highlighted the prophet John [the Baptizer]. John was commissioned by God himself to prepare the people for Jesus earthly ministry. Yet who had doubts ? Yes, the very prophet who baptized Jesus and called on God’s people to repent and […]

Prepare the Way for His Coming- Matt 3:11

Prepare the Way for His Coming- Matt 3:1-12 (Sonnenberg)

Advent is the time of year we prepare for Christmas Day – the celebration of Jesus’ birth. John the Baptist was the prophet Isaiah foretold would come to “…prepare the way of the Lord…”  John’s message came with a warning; carried a demand; and included a promise. Pastor Dan helped to outline how John’s message […]

Hungry: Will Work for Food – John 6:25-3

Hungry: Will Work for Food – John 6:25-35 (Sonnenberg)

Before we make a judgement about the person holding a sign “Hungry: Will Work For Food”, Pastor Dan asks that we consider our own attitudes and actions as we respond to Jesus’ blessings and gifts. Do we seek the gift more than the giver? Do we keep coming to him because he satisfies physical needs, […]