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Stand Against the Devil – Eph 6:10-17 (S

Stand Against the Devil – Eph 6:10-17 (Sonnenberg)

Several weeks ago Mike Mattes of CCO was talking with Stonebridge about college students. He said that everyone deals with these four questions each day: “Who am I? Why am I here? Why is the world gone wrong? And What can I do to make it better?” In today’s  sermon, Pastor Dan is addressing the last of these […]

Labor Relations – Eph 6:5-9 (Sonnenberg)

Labor Relations – Eph 6:5-9 (Sonnenberg)

Labor Day Sunday.  Interesting how it just so happens that today’s sermon is on the subject of Labor Relations.  Some will understand that as Providence! The Apostle Paul has a lesson both for those who ‘labor’ and those who supervise: Do what you are called to do ‘as unto the Lord”. Workers – think of […]

Children, Obey Your Parents- Eph 6:1-4 (1

Children, Obey Your Parents- Eph 6:1-4 (Sonnenberg)

Husbands.  Wives. Now teaching [primarily] for children. What is the Apostle Paul’s reasoning? Three-fold: its the right thing to do, they will benefit from the wisdom and experience of their parents, and God promises benefits for your life. But there is also a lesson for parents. Parents have an awesome responsibility to rear their children […]

Husbands, Love Your Wives- Eph 5:15-33 (1

Husbands, Love Your Wives- Eph 5:15-33 (Sonnenberg)

This week the series is back to Ephesians and the primary audience is “Husbands”.  Lots of different kinds of husbands out there, but the Apostle Paul encourages all husbands to embrace the divine order for marriage by following the divine example for marriage. (Eph. 5:15-33) 15 Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but […]

Is Christ Enough?- John 11 (Sonnenberg)

Is Christ Enough?- John 11 (Sonnenberg)

Is Christ enough for when life is hard? When bad things happen to good people, or people we love? Pastor Dan uses the story of Lazarus, Martha and Mary to help us better understand God’s design as the Meyers and our congregation continue to wrestle with and work through the seemingly needless death of Joe […]

Wives, Respect Your Husbands – Eph 5:18,

Wives, Respect Your Husbands – Eph 5:18, 21-33 (Sonnenberg)

For this and the next few weeks Pastor Dan will be preaching on some human relationships.  How should we consider them and how does God help us understand how to “live in relationship” with one another. (Eph. 5:21-24) …21 submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ.  22 Wives, to your own husbands, as to […]

Walk in Wisdom – Eph 5:15-21 (Sonnenberg

Walk in Wisdom – Eph 5:15-21 (Sonnenberg)

Walk in love. Walk in light. Now Paul encourages Christians to also walk in wisdom.  Its not as hard as it might seem, and yet it is difficult just the same.  Wisdom is much more than facts; more than knowledge; more than extraordinary “common sense”. In short, we walk in wisdom when we come to […]

Walk as Children of Light (2)-Eph 5:6-141

Walk as Children of Light (2)-Eph 5:6-14 (Sonnenberg)

In part two of this section of Ephesians 5, we were challenged not to be deceived by ‘dark’ words, and in a more positive way expose deeds of darkness. Each time we take a stand to expose sin and darkness, we contribute to pushing back that darkness. Light always triumphs over darkness.