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Preparing for the Mission, Part 3: Praye1

Preparing for the Mission, Part 3: Prayer for Laborers – Matt. 9:37-38 (Sonnenberg)

God has invited us to a wonderful mission. Are we ready? Are you ready? A missional church defines itself in terms of its worship and its mission – a worshiping people who are also “sent ones” who take the gospel to and incarnate the gospel within a specific cultural context. – The church has a […]

Preparing for the Mission, Part 2: Compa1

Preparing for the Mission, Part 2: Compassion for the Crowd – Matt 9:36 (Sonnenberg)

Last week Pastor Dan challenged us to consider if we are apathetic, ignorant or afraid when it comes to our response toward those outside the church. This week the challenge is similar, but the perspective is “compassion”.  Jesus went out of his way to demonstrate ‘how’ to have compassion. Are we paying attention or just […]

Preparing for the Mission, Part 1: Equip1

Preparing for the Mission, Part 1: Equipped by Christ – Matt 9:35 – 10:4 (Sonnenberg)

The Church universal generally, and Stonebridge Church specifically, has a mission. God wants to reach the world with the good news: How to be in a right relationship with God. Failure to achieve this mission might be due to ignorance, apathy or fear. But God does provide, he does equip his people to accomplish what […]

The Resurrection Body – 1 Cor 15:35-57 (

The Resurrection Body – 1 Cor 15:35-57 (Sonnenberg)

One short week after celebrating Jesus resurrection from the dead- what a miracle!  Pastor Dan wants us to better understand all the implications of Jesus new “resurrection body” for us, as we contemplate our current state as well as what the future holds. Death is not the end.  In fact death is that event which […]

Journey to the Cross (Palm Sunday) – Luk

Journey to the Cross (Palm Sunday) – Luke 19:28-44 (Sonnenberg)

Today we celebrate a bittersweet day in the Christian year, alternately called Palm Sunday and Passion Sunday.  Luke 19:28-44 28 And when he had said these things, he went on ahead, going up to Jerusalem.  29 When he drew near to Bethphage and Bethany, at the mount that is called Olivet, he sent two of the […]

Christ’s Resurrection: Our Hope! – 1 Cor

Christ’s Resurrection: Our Hope! – 1 Cor 15:19-28 (Sonnenberg)

Without Christ’s resurrection Christians are the most-to-be-pitied humans. But because of the truth of Christ’s resurrection Christians have “more hope” than anyone.  We pray that that truth of his resurrection will be a reality in your life today. The event which took place on that first Easter Sunday morning set in motion an inevitable chain […]

Loving One Another Acceptably – Eph 5:2c

Loving One Another Acceptably – Eph 5:2c (Sonnenberg)

Today was the third and last sermon in the mini-series on this verse. What a challenging set of sermons, but we have also been so encouraged by the work of Christ. The way in which Christ demonstrated, how he lived out what Paul in Ephesians is encouraging us to do.  Many places in the Old […]

Loving One Another Sacrificially – Eph 5

Loving One Another Sacrificially – Eph 5:2b (Sonnenberg)

Today was the second of three sermons in the mini-series on this verse. The sermon title- and the sermon, for that matter -might sound a bit familiar. Pastor Dan is “lingering” over this verse; perhaps we need to hear it more than once before it begins to sink in? As we approach Easter, we are reminded […]