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Loving One Another Voluntarily – Ephesia

Loving One Another Voluntarily – Ephesians 5:2a (Sonnenberg)

This is the first of three sermons in the mini-series on this verse. Pastor Dan was back today with a sermon on Ephesians 5:2.  “And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.”  The Apostle Paul pleads with us to: Love one another voluntarily, […]

Loving One Another As God’s Beloved Chil

Loving One Another As God’s Beloved Children – Eph 5:1 (Sonnenberg)

Pastor Dan has moved us to understand that it should be our desire to lives of purity and unity – especially as we live with one another in the church. Tough to do, but fortunately our God has left us a wonderful example for us to imitate, or emulate.  He has shown us what this […]

Five Reasons for Holiness-Eph 4:25-32 (S1

Five Reasons for Holiness-Eph 4:25-32 (Sonnenberg)

Called to unity. Called to holiness. “Fine we say. But can you help me with a good reason why holiness should be a wish or goal of mine?”  Glad you asked!  Pastor Dan’s sermon presents five reasons that the Apostle Paul give in Ephesians for motivating us to holiness.

Christian Holiness – Eph 4:20-24 (Sonnen

Christian Holiness – Eph 4:20-24 (Sonnenberg)

No one would probably argue that Christians are to live “holy lives”.  The rub comes in just how exactly we are to make it happen; how we can actually live in the holy way that we are taught.  In Ephesians Paul shares that if we listen to Christ and give attention to understand, Christ will […]

Called to Purity- Eph 4:17-19 (Sonnenber1

Called to Purity- Eph 4:17-19 (Sonnenberg)

“As a Man Thinks in His Heart, So is He.”   Or, “You’re not what you think you are, but what you think, you are.” Not only is the church called to unity, but the church is also called to purity.  We don’t like to hear this and we find it even more difficult to live […]

Christ’s Inter-Dependent Body- Eph 4:15-

Christ’s Inter-Dependent Body- Eph 4:15-16 (Sonnenberg)

The apostle Paul uses the wonderful example of a body for how Christ and his people relate to one another. Without a head the body is meaningless. Purpose comes from the head. Yet the body “holds itself together” as each part carries out its designed function, all at the direction of the head. So also […]

Christ’s Diverse Body- Eph 4:7-14 (Sonne

Christ’s Diverse Body- Eph 4:7-14 (Sonnenberg)

Sometimes ‘sameness’ is good, but God had something very different in mind when he “designed” the church.  God’s plan was for a diversity of people each with at least one special gift; a gift that would benefit the whole. This was the subject of Pastor Dan’s sermon today.

We Are All The Same-Eph 4:1-6 (Sonnenber1

We Are All The Same-Eph 4:1-6 (Sonnenberg)

Back!  Back to Ephesians! So, a new year, but Pastor Dan has us back in the Epistle to the Ephesians. Be that as it may, it was a great sermon and challenge as we look forward to 2013. So if you were unable to be here Sunday, do listen.