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Repent and Prepare for the Savior – Luke

Repent and Prepare for the Savior – Luke 3:7-18 (Sonnenberg)

What “good news” is there when someone calls you “a brood of vipers”?  Dr. Luke helps his readers see that while there is a call for repentance and of coming judgement, that the good new, the “Gospel” is that John the Baptizer as well as Jesus tell us that that there is still time to […]

Making Sense of Newtown – Matt 2:16-18 (

Making Sense of Newtown – Matt 2:16-18 (Sonnenberg)

We grieve with families in Newtown, Ct. We implore God because we do not understand.  Where was God Friday morning? No, he did not turn his back. He not only understands the evil things that happen- a result of the total depravity of man -but he also feels the pain. He is more pained the […]

The Coming of the Son of Man- Matt 21:251

The Coming of the Son of Man- Matt 21:25-36 (Sonnenberg)

Advent is the time we await the coming savior!  What a great time it is.  But Pastor Dan reminded us today that we should also not forget to wait, and be ready, for the savior’s second coming.  As God’s people waited for their Messiah, so we too should be anxiously waiting and preparing for Jesus […]

Your Heavenly Father Knows- Matt 26:25-31

Your Heavenly Father Knows- Matt 26:25-34 (Sonnenberg)

So you don’t feel thankful all the time? Well, most people don’t.  But that doesn’t mean we cannot be thankful. In today’s sermon, Pastor Dan shares some thoughts about what Thanksgiving can or should really be all about.  He shares some reasons why we should give thanks to God no matter our circumstances or feelings.

God Loves Dysfunctional Families- Gen 341

God Loves Dysfunctional Families- Gen 34, 38 and 49 (Sonnenberg)

OK, so we’ve seen in the series that the people in Genesis were not all that “wonderful”. But in today’s sermon, Pastor Dan, well, its sort of a shocker.  I mean, how dysfunctional can a family get?!  Well, it can get pretty ugly. But the amazing thing is that God’s plan includes some members of […]

The LORD Will Provide – Gen 22 (Sonnenbe

The LORD Will Provide – Gen 22 (Sonnenberg)

Genesis 22 is such a moving story. But it is equally a view of God’s testing and God’s provision.  In this, the last interaction between God and Abraham recorded for us, God asks Abraham to demonstrate his faith in God by sacrificing his son, Isaac. The son in whom God said he would fulfill his […]

Abraham’s Faith: Looking for Christ- Gen

Abraham’s Faith: Looking for Christ- Gen 15 (Sonnenberg)

The story recorded for us in Genesis 15 is a remarkable account of Abraham’s faith- and doubts -but ultimately how it was God’s covenant that insured all of God’s promises to Abraham and all humans who have faith as Abraham did. Pastor Dan walks us through the verses of Chapter 15.

Security and Significance in Christ – Ge

Security and Significance in Christ – Gen 11, 12 (Sonnenberg)

The tower of Babel. What does that have to do with the challenge to live by faith for Christians in 2012? Sure, Babel means “confusion” and that was the time and place when languages were created and “worked their magic” on the human race. But why? Listen to Pastor Dan’s sermon to gain a better […]